City of Rye, NY | What’s happening in Fairfield County, CT

City of Rye, NY

281 Midland Avenue
Rye , NY , 10580
Phone: (914) 390-1379
40° 58' 29.7084" N, 73° 40' 53.4252" W
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Local Government


Government Recreation Department PrintFeedbackShare & BookmarkShare & Bookmark, Press Enter to show all options, press Tab go to next optionFont Size:+- The Rye Recreation Department strives to enrich the lives of our residents by providing safe and welcoming parks, facilities, recreation programs and events for people of all ages. We work in partnership with our residents and in cooperation with other recreation service providers in the community in order to maximize all available resources. We are dedicated to building healthy communities and enriching the quality of life through people, parks and programs.