American Guild of Organists - Greater Bridgeport Chapter

A concert of Halloween-themed and Broadway musical pieces featuring the mighty pipe organ, amazing choral ensembles, incredible musicians, a 1920’s silent film, costume contest with prizes, reception. Sunday, October 29, 4:00 PM, First Church Congregational Fairfield, 148 Beach Road, Fairfield. Plenty of parking. Wheel chair accessible. Costumes encouraged. Tickets $20/Adults, $12/Seniors, $5/Students (12-17); Free for children 11 & under.
Proceeds benefit the Louise M. Miller-Paul E. Knox Scholarship given annually by the Greater Bridgeport Chapter, American Guild of Organists. This scholarship, in memory of two distinguished area church musicians, is awarded annually to a promising college-age organist. Past winners have gone on to distinguished careers with international recognition.
Tickets $20/Adults, $12/Seniors, $5/Students (12-17); Free for children 11 & under